If you've been reluctant to get into the influencer marketing game thinking it's just a fad, think again. Influencer marketing campaigns have been around for several years, and their popularity will only continue to grow. This increased focus is a response to data that traditional ad campaigns simply aren't as successful as they once were. 30% of internet users expect to use an ad blocker by the end of 2019. Not much has changed since a 2015 Nielson study showed that the most trusted source for advertising is people you know. Brand websites, consumer opinions posted online, and editorial content rank high, with ads sadly near the bottom of the list.
The question that successful businesses ask themselves is no longer "Should we leverage influencer marketing?" but "How much resources are we going to devote to it?" Of the 158 brands surveyed by ANA, 75% use influencer marketing, with nearly half planning to increase funding in the second year. Another study by Lyncha shows that most marketers plan to industry mailing list between $25,000 and $100,000 on influencer marketing in 2019. Still hesitating? Consider these four reasons to adjust your influencer marketing approach: Consumer buying habits are changing. Gen Z and millennials have changed the game.
They suspect consumers seek social proof before buying -- not from celebrities who endorse the product. Sprout Social found that 71% of people refer to their social network for guidance before making a purchase. Modern consumers prefer to build relationships with brands that provide an authentic voice, and trust is a necessary prerequisite for purchase. Consumers are now more likely to respond to the approval of the people they watch and follow every day than to the claims of advertisements. Peer referrals are often more important than the marketing channels run by the company. In order to succeed in this new environment, we must remove our inner resistance to change and adjust our strategy, as influencer marketing provides an excellent opportunity to reach the target audience through different media platforms.